Plant Breeding and Genetics
For more than a decade, NSIP has been developing and applying new genomics-based breeding methods across a wide variety of crop species. NSIP approaches breeding from an engineering perspective, examining each of the decisions points throughout the breeding process. Our goal has been to improve decision making throughout the entire production chain to optimize results for our clients.
Genetic Mixing
Multiplication &
Quality Control
(Parental Selection)

The NSIP edge
Our team of mathematicians, optimization specialists, statisticians, computer scientists, software engineers, geneticists and breeders have developed a novel and proprietary suite of algorithms and techniques to optimize efficiency and maximize returns across the entire breeding process, resulting in higher gains, reduced costs and shortened time to the market -- thus providing a real competitive edge to our clients.

Proven and Tested
Equally important, NSIP's algorithms and methods have been tested and proven effective across a wide variety of field, vegetable and plantation crops in commercial breeding settings with many of the most prominent and successful ag-seed and food companies worldwide. The valuable feedback provided by working across so many crops allows NSIP to rapidly improve and advance our technologies.

Our Current Portfolio
NSIP's current genetic and breeding technology portfolio covers the following domains.
- Evaluation and Management of Genetic Diversity
- Optimized Core Collections
- Genetic Purity and Parentage Analysis
- Germplasm Enhancement and ODPs
- Optimized Genomic Selection (OGS)
- Optimized Breeding Starts (OBS)
- Optimized Training Sets and Prediction of New Hybrids
- Optimized Field Trial Design
Global Environment and GxE Studies
Marker Optimization
Work with us
NSIP offers its genetics and breeding services to the ag-seed and food industry on a project-contract basis. It also designs and oversees breeding programs for clients who may not have their own in house breeding capabilities.
For more information