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Organizational changes at NSIP

Dr. Cuauhtémoc Navarro has decided to undertake new professional challenges outside the company; however, he will remain working as an external advisor on several topics. Effective October 2nd, 2019, Mauro Surenciski is the new General Manager for NSIP Invitro reporting directly to Ing. Jorge Fenyvesi.

Cuauhtémoc is a highly experienced professional with extensive practice in in vitro plant propagation and R&D businesses in Mexico, Central America and the USA. He launched and grew the largest micropropagation facility in Latin America, with 100 million plants delivered to the agricultural business, in addition to implementing the first commercial laboratory to expand coffee production through somatic embryogenesis in bioreactors (the system of temporary immersion). He was instrumental in the formation of NSIP.

Mauro has a degree in Genetics with 15 years of experience in clonal plant propagation, genetic improvement and biotechnological project management. He has developed and adjusted commercial protocols for clonal propagation, generating new commercial varieties and managed and implemented applied research projects, both in institutions and companies in Argentina, Brazil and for the biotechnology sector in Northern Europe.
During the next few days they will be working on the process of transition of functions.

NSIP thanks Cuauhtémoc for his service and we congratulate Mauro on his new position. 



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